Glenmoor Health Center Expansion

LCPS Management Inc. Saint Augustine, Florida 46,800 s.f.
Medical Architecture, Interior Design

Project Details

The Glenmoor Health Center Expansion project consists of the addition of 20 skilled nursing single-bed units (17,000 s.f.) to an existing 30 bed skilled nursing facility, the addition of 30 assisted living apartments (29,800 s.f.) to an existing 30 limit assisted living facility, and the addition of a new Laundry Facility Building. The proposed expansion will increase the totals of the Health Center to 50 skilled beds, 45 assisted living suites and 15 memory impaired suites. The architectural character of the existing Health Center facility is residential and it is designed to be harmonious with the suite's environment. The proposed addition shall have the same architectural character and create a seamless expansion appearance. The proposed expansions will consist of a one-story addition to the existing one-story skilled nursing wing and a two-story assisted living addition to the existing two-story assisted living wing.